How to make a digital photo album for
your REB 1200
You can put digital photos into a document that is an REB1200 ebook.
Here's a sample photo album with 10 full-size color photos created with
Powerpoint you can download [3.0 MB].
New: simple software from Togoware that will create photo albums from a folders of images on your PC [$]
Do-it-yourself instructions
Simply use Powerpoint to create a document with the images
in it, then do Export Softbook (first you must have installed Softbook
Personal Publisher) to create an .imp file for
your REB.
The max dimensions of the screen are 472 x 592.
The images may need to be sized properly, or they mayl not look
good. You should resize your digital pictures to 472 x 595 pixels. You
can use Adobe Photoshop, Paintshop Pro or similar program to prepare
the images. A free program that can convert/resize a whole batch of images
is Nconvert. See Nconvert
website. [download Windows version - 450k]
Another way to create a Photo Album
The following two commands are what I use to resize my jpegs and
create the IMP. This is assuming that your OPF file is named
nconvert.exe -q 82
-quiet -rtype linear -rflag decr -c 9 -out jpeg -resize 472 595 -o
%%.jpg *.jpg
html2sb comic.opf
As for the HTML/XML, I took an example I got from somewhere and
stripped out everything that I didn't need although I'm not an XML programmer
so there are probably some lines that could
be removed.
Following is the HTML file I use. For changing pictures, you only
need to change the names under the <manifest> section. JPGs do
have to be listed in the <spine>. Note that both sections refer
COMIC.HTML. This is the html file that actually contains the
<?xml version="1.0"?>
!DOCTYPE package PUBLIC "+//ISBN 0-9673008-1-9//DTD OEB 1.0
Package//EN" "oebpkg1.dtd">
package unique-identifier="Package-ID">
<dc-metadata xmlns:dc=""
<dc:Identifier id="Package-ID">ebook:guid-3614089788021470440653115254Lo08</dc:Identifier>
<dc:Title>Losers 008</dc:Title>
<dc:Creator role="aut">Bill</dc:Creator>
<meta name="x-SBP-category" content="Comics"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-subcategory" content=""/>
<meta name="x-SBP-nameondisk" content="Losers 008"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-logdir" content="d:\IMP"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-logging" content="on"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-encrypt" content="off"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-compress" content="on"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-widow" content="0"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-orphan" content="0"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-zoomstate" content="both"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-undlinks" content="on"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-csssupport" content="2"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-destdir" content="d:\IMP\Losers 008"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-projectversion" content="1"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-RLEtrigger" content="200"/>
<meta name="x-SBP-devicemodel" content="SBP-gs"/>
<meta name="x-SBPNuvo-Publication-ID" content="ebook:guid-36140897880214704406531152541555"/>
<meta name="x-SBPNuvo-Build-ID" content="ebook:guid-361408978802147044065311525415553"/>
<meta name="x-SBPNuvo-TimeStamp" content=""/>
<meta name="x-SBP-buildtarget" content="sbe"/>
<meta name="x-SBPNuvo-Content-Feed-ID" content=""/>
<meta name="x-SBPNuvo-Content-Issue-Number" content=""/>
<meta name="x-SBPNuvo-Content-Is-Periodical" content="no"/>
<item id="i18839" href="comic.html" media-type="text/x-oeb1-document"/>
<item id="1" href="Losers_08_c01.jpg" media-type="image/jpg"/>
<item id="2" href="Losers_08_p01.jpg" media-type="image/jpg"/>
<itemref idref="i18839"/>
< /package>
Finally here is the HTML file I use.
< meta name='LANGUAGE' content='English'>
< meta name='GENRE' content='142'>
< meta name='PUB_NAME' content='Bill'>
< meta name='RESUME' content='I did this'>
style type="text/css">
< !--
p.FullPagePicture, li.FullPagePicture, div.FullPagePicture
< /style>
title>Losers 008</title>
p class=FullPagePicture><img src='Losers_08_c01.jpg'></p>
p class=FullPagePicture><img src='Losers_08_p01.jpg'></p>
< /body>
< /html>
Each JPG must be on its own line in the <body> section as you
one picture per page. The <meta> tags at the beginning might not
needed, now that I look at the code again.
I hope this helps with what you are trying to do. I would recommend
keeping one copy each of the HTML and OPF files to use as a skeleton
for future projects. That way it will save you a lot of retyping.
Bill Morrell