Sample definition parameters

Parameters, per sample set:

%%velmodesee wavSets default for %velmode in this sample set.
%%velolevssee wavSets default for %velolevs in this sample set.
%%pitchbend0-12The depth of the pitchbend in semitones. 12 means range is 1 octave up and down and zero disables the pitchwheel/joystick.
%%stopnotes65-127The first note of the range of notes used for stopping the loops.
See table of notes for starting loops with corresponding note-off's.
The keyboard area (area of filling notes) is between 127-%%stopnotes and %%stopnotes.
The stopnote range cannot be used for playing other wav's as it is reserved for stopping.
%%modesee wavSets default for %mode in this sample set.
%%releasesee wavSets default for %release in this sample set.
%%dampsee wavSets default for %damp in this sample set.
%%retriggersee wavSets default for %retrigger in this sample set.
%%gainsee wavSets default for %gain in this sample set.
%%transposesee wavSets default for %transpose in this sample set.
%%fillnotesee wav"Y" is default. Sets the default for generating %fillnote in this sample set.
%%notemapsee wavSets default for %notemap in this sample set.
%%qnotesee wav"N" is default. Sets the default for generating %qnote in this sample set.
%%relsamplesee wav"N" is default. Sets default for %relsample in this sample set.
%%xfadeoutsee wavSets default for %xfadeout in this sample set.
%%xfadeinsee wavSets default for %xfadein in this sample set.
%%xfadevolsee wavSets default for %xfadevol in this sample set.
%%dampnoisesee wav"N" is default. Sets default for %dampnoise in this sample set.
%%voice1-127Gives a description of the voices for the GUI. Example: "%%voice:4=Bass Guitar"
%%backtrack1-127Gives a description of the backing tracks for the GUI. Example: "%%backtrack:1=Bass+strings"

Parameters, per wav group

You use these parameters either in the filename (a "pattern") or as parameter after this pattern.
ParametervalueUsually used in name pattern in form "%parm", but perfectly legal to use after the pattern in form ",%parm="
%notenameNotename followed by octavenumber, so like C1, C2, C3, D#3, F#4, etc.
Notenames can be: "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B". Flats need to be defined as corresponding sharps.
When using quarter tones next values are also possible: "Ck", "Cs", "Dk", "Ds", "Ek", "Es", "Fk", "Fs", "Gk", "Gs", "Ak", "As", "Bk", "Bs", where "k" means koron (flat) and "s" means sori (sharp).
%midinote0-12760 corresponds with middle C = C4 (original samplerbox uses C5).

ParametervalueUsually used after the name pattern, in form ",%parm=", but perfectly legal to use in the name pattern as well
%velmode     the way that volume is derived from the velocity (see indepth explanation):
samplevolume equals the value in the sample, so it requires multiple samples using the %velocity parameter to get differentation.
accurateplayed velocity influences volume directly. Multiple samples can still be used to differentiate the instruments tone colour at different velocities.
%velolevs1-127The number of velocity level ranges used in this sample set (see indepth explanation).
%velocity1-velolevsvelolevs is default. A velocity sample is used from its value upwards till the next sample. Velocity values below lowest sample will use this lowest one.
%voice0-1271 is default. This enables loading different instruments in one sample set, so that switching between them has no delay.
Voices can be given a name with the %%voice global parameter. This name will show up in the GUI.
Special voice is voice=0, the "effects track". Characteristics are
  • Sounds in here will override the corresponding notes in all other voices, making it available in all voices.
  • It cannot be selected as individual voice.
  • Filling notes is disabled
  • It will not react on pitch bend or vibrato (so backing tracks and such will keep their timing)
%mode     the way that the box handles note-off and loop markers:
keyb"Normal": end on note-off and use loop markers if any while key is pressed (original samplerbox).
once"Playback": play sample from start to end ignoring standard note-off.
onc2Like "once" but now pressing same note a second time stops playback (=2nd keypress sends note-off). If the playback stopped because the end was reached, pressing the key a second time is still required before the sample can be played again!
loopLoop markers will be recognized; loop will be stopped by playing 127-midinote, a table of notes to use.
loo2Like "loop", but the loop will stop when playing the same note (=2nd keypress sends note-off). If the sample has no loop markers it will stop when exhausted, but pressing the key a second time is still required before the sample can be played again!
This mode mimicks Korg-KAOSS and some groove samplers.
back"Backtrack": Like "loo2", but when the 2nd keypress is received the sample will play till the end. This means the loop will finish and also the part after the loop marker will be played. A 3rd keypress can stop this "playing to end".
If the "%backtrack=" parameter is absent, it defaults to "backtrack=0".
If "%backtrack" is present, specifying "%mode" is redundant/unnecessary as the "back" mode will be forced.
%backtrack0-127This enables a sample to play in the "back"-mode (see above)
  • The voice is forced to 0, implicating: available in all tracks, no notefill, no pitch adjustement.
  • If the value is greater than 0, you can have one sample per backtrack# (first found will be selected) and you can start&stop; with the controller defined in the midi mapping and with the optional note in the filename.
  • Value equal to 0 allows more samples, but you must attach a note to each track as you cannot attach a controller to it.
  • Backing tracks can be given a name with the %%backtrack global parameter. This name will show up in the GUI.
%mutegroup1-...The group of notes of which only the last played will sound. See explanation.
%rnds1-9"Random samples": unique number when more wav's are available for a note/velocity, to be played randomly.
%release0-127This gives values from 0 to 2 seconds for fading out the volume after a key is released. Default is 30, approximately 0,5 seconds.
%damp0-127This gives values from 0 to 2 seconds for fading out the volume when damp(usually pedal) is pressed. Default is 10
%retrigger     What happens when same note is played again:
RNoteoff, fadeout according release time value.
DNoteoff, fadeout according damp time value.
YYes, retrigger is allowed, keep the playing sound
%transposeTransposal in semitones, -12 means 1 octave down. Default is 0. The script assigns "middle C" (C4) to midi note 60. With this you can for instance normalize presets using C3 or C5 without renaming the WAV-files.
Note: original samplerbox uses C5 as middle-C.
%fillnoteY/N"Y" is default. This indicates if this sample can be used for generating other/missing notes within the keyboard area.
%notemapActivate the named note mapping, which causes played keys to play other/retuned notes or switch voices (keyboard split).
%gainAdapts sample volume before alsamixer by means of a multiplication factor. Default is 1. Possible values: "2", "1.5", "0.25", ".5" etcetera, without quotes ofcourse. With this you can adapt samples to samplerbox input without actually changing the WAV-files.
    Using quarter tones (notes between the semitones)
%qnoteNNo quarter tones
YSame as O. The GUI assumes %qnote=O and C4=60.
OQuarter-tones on the odd midi notes
EQuarter-tones on the even midi notes
    Playing an independent sample(part) at note-off/release and/or damp (see in-depth explanation.):
%relsampleNUse a release sample, "N" is default.
EThe sample is embedded in the same wav (GrandOrgue method).
SThe sample is a separate wav in the "mirror voice".
    Parameters for mixing the release sample take over:
%xfadeout0-127The release time of the sample when a release sample should be played (so the time the note fades out while the release sample gets in).
If only an additional sound is needed (like the harpsichord damper), you can set this variable to the normal release time (for instance 30).
%xfadein0-127The time in which the release sample reaches its full volume.
%xfadevol0-127The multiplication factor (gain) on the release sample volume.
%damp0-127Activate the above also for the damper pedal.
    One and only parameter for files with .mid extension (see SMF player / simple internal sequencer explanation).
%smfseq1-127Identify the file for usage by MIDI controls.