The Rose Window Project

Creating video to project onto the Rose Window of the 2006 Burning Man Cathedral.

My concept is that a real rose window changes as the sun changes – very slowly – so slowly that you don't even notice it changing.

I don't plan on making videos quite that slow and subtle, but I'd like the changes to happen in an extremely graceful way that is soothing to the eye and spirit. Maybe even subtle, but noticeable.

All files are approximately 2MB wmv video files - Note: you may have to click the play button twice...

New samples June 2, 2006

Fire Rose (320x240 WM9 encoder)

Kaleidascope (320x240 WM9 encoder)

Swirl2 (320x240 WM9 encoder)

Swirl (320x240 WM9 encoder) Spirals (320x240 WM9 encoder) Rose01.wmv (320x240 WM9 encoder) 1.5MB

rose2.wmv July7, 2006    

Video Samples using Various CODECs

All samples are 1 minute duration

Rose01.wmv (320x240 WM9 encoder) 1.5MB
Rose01-640-1Kbps-29.97fps.wmv (640x480 29.97fps 1Kbps WM9 encoder) 10MB (640x480 MotionJPEG encoder - QuickTime) 37MB
Rose01.m1v (720x480 MPEG-1) 12MB
Rose01.m2v (640x480 MPEG-2) 30MB

Previous Video Samples

Sample 1 This sample's speed is way too fast. I have to figure out how to slow it way down so the effects are much more subtle. It has 2 effects. A spiral effect and then a kaleidoscope effect. The kaleidoscope effect uses 6, then 9, then 12 and then 16 divisions.